8 LPP in DMP
As to send the command for the printer.
In a Epson LX-300 the command for 8LPP is ESC 0.
I tried of several manners: #27#0, #27#00, #27#48, '#27#0', '#27#00', '#27#48', "#27#0", "#27#00", "#27#48" and it didn't work...
In a Epson LX-300 the command for 8LPP is ESC 0.
I tried of several manners: #27#0, #27#00, #27#48, '#27#0', '#27#00', '#27#48', "#27#0", "#27#00", "#27#48" and it didn't work...
In the printer Epson LX-300 the command for 8LPP is ESC 0.
I didn't find documentation of as to send the command for the printer.
I tried to use the command InitString in the following ways:
frxReport1.ReportOptions.InitString := '1B30';
frxReport1.ReportOptions.InitString := '#27#0';
frxReport1.ReportOptions.InitString := '#27#00';
frxReport1.ReportOptions.InitString := '#27#48';
frxReport1.ReportOptions.InitString := #27#0;
frxReport1.ReportOptions.InitString := #27#00;
frxReport1.ReportOptions.InitString := #27#48;
and none of them worked.
Help, please.
Put the empty memo object and write the following in its OnBeforePrint event:
DMPMemo1.Text := #27#48;