Mail Client wont open with frxReport.Export(mail)

We used in our product for a very long time and it worked everytime, but since the new Outlook update 21 came out some clients had a problem that their Mail Outlook Client wont open without an errormessage. The Attachment for opening the Mail Client is a PDF File.

Some settings like changing the Standard mail Client from the Windows Settings were changed.

We already made the registry keys for MAPI:[HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem]"MAPI"="1" "MAPIX"="1" "MAPIXVER"=""  

But opening the Outlook Mail Client with an external programs like "Snipping Tool" works fine, it opens the Outlook client with the Attachment picture just fine.

Any Idea to fix this issue?

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