How can I set up axis limits by code?
I have a report which has a graph on it and I need to set up its axis limits by code.
I have not succeeded on getting access to the chart component of the report which has been placed on a report band.
How can I do that?
Thank you very much.
Jayme Jeffman.
Thanks to the FastReport support I could solve my question:
void __fastcall TFControlaInterrup::BMGReportPreview(TObject *Sender)
TfrxComponent *AComponent;
TfrxChartView *ChrtView;
AComponent = BMGReport->FindObject("Chart1");
if( !AComponent ) ShowMessage("Componente Chart1 não encontrado");
ChrtView = dynamic_cast<TfrxChartView*>(AComponent);
if( ChrtView != NULL ){
ChrtView->Chart->LeftAxis->Maximum = 4.0;
Now I am able to chanhe Maximum and Minimum scale values on the axis.
Kind regards