RegisterData empty?

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a report with a licensed version of FastReport.NET.

But even a simple 'RegisterData' isn't working.

The report used is an empty report, I see the newly 'created' datasources in the report designer but they remain empty.


What am I missing here? Many thanks for the help


  • What are you hoping to see?

    everything looks good

    I share with you this sample code for generate PDF Report with .Net.

    I hope this code can help you.

     private static void GeneratePDFReport(int invoiceIndex)


          // PDF Result

          PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument pdfFull = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument();

          // Fast Report Object

          Report fastReportObject = new Report();       

          // Dataset Object Data (Empty)

          DataSet dataSetschema = new DataSet();              

          //Source tables and columns

          XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet();

          XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader("InvoiceSchema.xsd");

          var invoiceSchema = XmlSchema.Read(reader, null);



          dataSetschema = ToDataSet(schemaSet);

                 // XML Data to fill data source

          XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load($"invoice{invoiceIndex}.xml");

                 // FILL DATASOURCE with XML data

          dataSetschema.ReadXml(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xdoc.ToString())), XmlReadMode.ReadSchema);

          // Load FRX


          //Register DATA


          // Generate Report


          //Export repor to PDF

          var exportpdf = new PDFExport();

          exportpdf.ShowProgress = false;

          exportpdf.Compressed = true;

          exportpdf.Background = false;

          exportpdf.TextInCurves = false;

          exportpdf.PrintOptimized = true;

          exportpdf.ImagesOriginalResolution = false;

          exportpdf.ColorSpace = PDFExport.PdfColorSpace.RGB;

          exportpdf.JpegCompression = true;

          //exportpdf.EmbeddingFonts = false;

          var resultFile = new MemoryStream();

          fastReportObject.Export(exportpdf, resultFile);       

          // This step is not strictly necessary // with de PDF Export you can Save de PDF File

          PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument one = PdfReader.Open(resultFile, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);

          for (int i = 0; i < one.PageCount; i++)


            var page = one.Pages[i];



          // Save if it is necesary



    Best Regards


  • Hi Jai,

    Thanks for you example, but in this example you create an XML file first?

    Isn't there a possibility to just pass the data from an object?

    Kind Regards,


  • Yes, I never use an object like a data source but Yes! it is possible.

    You can use Json data like a source, an use Newtonsoft to convert object to Json. Another option is fill data set from the object and then use dataset like a data source.

    and sorry, I can´t help more.

    Send me a message.

    F.A.C.E.B.O.O.K jairo.hernandez.9256

    Alias José Hernández.

  • Found a solution:

    Used the same code, but instead of a List<> use a 'DataTable' and it's working now.

    @jerezkyo ; thanks for the input, no doubt this will be usefull for future projects.

    Kind regards,


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