Very slow opening of the designer
we're using the latest version of FR 6.
Lately we are having big problems with opening the designer. We have reports that have multiple datasets, maybe 10 and some have more than 100 attributes. If we open such a report, we wait for over one minute for the designer to open. Then it also takes a long time to open the memo for editing. In general, working in the designer is very slow. Printing and previewing are without problems.
Would you have any tips for us on what to look for? We are retrieving the data from a Firebird database, but it's not at the speed of SQL queries.
Thanks for any advice
One month without an answer? Can I ask for some support? I would expect more support for paying customers :(
Use for support
FR 5 and later scan all datasets to get fields' types. It needs some time for this. You may modify FR's sources
comment ds.GetFieldList(FieldsList); in the frxDataTree.pas