Page limitation - max 10 pages?


Is there a limitation of pages in reports? I created a simple report with one Master Data band and a Text (MemoView) item inside connected to a variable. The field was filled with text rows up to 1000 lines. Now when I printed the report always only 10 pages are shown. Even when I increased the font size always 10 pages are shown.

So are there any limitations? I use Fast-Report FMX 2 in Delphi.


  • G'day,

    AFAIK only the demonstration (free) editions of FastReport have page count limits.

    We have the latest version for Vcl (2022.3.2 Enterprise) and a Report I was looking at this morning (analysis of a GL Audit Trail) had over 75 pages.

    I can't think why FMX would be different.

    Cheers, Paul

  • Hard to say when stepping in the middle of something. But the number of pages is limited by the amount of data or by the number of records, set in the Master Data band.

    I wonder what happens if you set the report to two-pass.

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