XE7; FR VCL 5 Enterprise v 5.6.4 - TfrxPreview access violation when dropped on a form

Howdy all,

I am working on a project that needs XE7 and am using the versions in the title of this.

Every time I drop the TfrxPreview on a form (even on a blank brand new VCL app), I get an access violation :

"Access violation at address 50153dd8 in module 'rtl210.bpl'. Read of address 00000008." (Full stack trace below). After that happens, the IDE is corrupted and I need to close out.

The Structure viewer list in the IDE shows a component listed as "<Components[1]>" which is basically malformed because of the a/v.

Anybody else seen this before? Any ideas on what I could try?

I have the standard TeeChart VCL v 2014.11.14071 that comes with XE7 installed.

I have uninstalled the TeeChart component from XE7. Rebooted. Reinstalled it. Rebooted. Twice.

I have uninstalled and re-installed FastReports several times (yes, also I deleted the folders in the C:\Prog files x86; no, there were not leftover bpl files anywhere in the C:\Windows\Sys32 / syswow64 folders).

I have tried without recompiling FastReports. I have tried with recompling FastReports (all modules, just the TeeChart options, both x86 and x64).

Nothing I am able to do is seemingly fixing this problem.

In addition to XE7 I do have the Community Edition 10.4 installed; but this version is too old for FR 5 to install. (Unless the version of TeeChart there is interfering with the XE7 version? no idea).

Other things I have Installed in my XE7 IDE:

Castaliia 2014.11

Devart Entiy DAC 3.0.2

Devart SDAC 9.4.4

FMSoft UniGUI v_1.90.0.1543


Codesite (v?)

[50153DD8]{rtl210.bpl } System.Classes.TCollection.GetCount (Line 5545, "System.Classes.pas" + 0) + $0

[50059C58]{rtl210.bpl } System.@FreeMem (Line 4439, "System.pas" + 20) + $0

[5006132C]{rtl210.bpl } System.@UStrClr (Line 24117, "System.pas" + 14) + $0

[51C97EB1]{exceptiondiag210.bpl} JclHookExcept.TNotifierItem.DoNotify (Line 223, "JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $E

[5005FA98]{rtl210.bpl } System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (Line 17207, "System.pas" + 2) + $0

[5005FDA2]{rtl210.bpl } System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 17393, "System.pas" + 1) + $2

[5005FDF3]{rtl210.bpl } System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 17415, "System.pas" + 2) + $7

[1EC3D907]{frx21.bpl  } Frxpreview.TfrxPreviewTabs.ClearItems + $13

[1EC3A220]{frx21.bpl  } Frxpreview.TfrxPreview.ClearAllTabs + $74

[1EC385B9]{frx21.bpl  } Frxpreview.TfrxPreview + $D

[5005F846]{rtl210.bpl } System.@ClassCreate (Line 16981, "System.pas" + 35) + $0

[5070CE98]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4427, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 206) + $5

[505C5EB5]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.Broadcast (Line 9157, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 1) + $3

[505C2850]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 7010, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 10) + $8

[5005F532]{rtl210.bpl } System.@CallDynaInst (Line 16299, "System.pas" + 4) + $0

[505CA79B]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.AdjustSize (Line 12145, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 1) + $8

[505C25D9]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TControl.DoConstraintsChange (Line 6906, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 1) + $6

[505BFA27]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TSizeConstraints.Change (Line 5183, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 1) + $E

[505BFA13]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TSizeConstraints.SetConstraints (Line 5176, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 31) + $2

[1EC381C6]{frx21.bpl  } Frxpreview.TfrxPreview + $272

[21D8B91B]{delphicoreide210.bpl} CompPalMgr.TComponentPalettePageItemDelegate.CreateComponent (Line 2756, "CompPalMgr.pas" + 2) + $7

[211311BC]{designide210.bpl} ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.DoCreateComponent (Line 2471, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 28) + $17

[211372F8]{designide210.bpl} ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.CreateCurrentComponent (Line 4746, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 2) + $34

[21152B52]{designide210.bpl} Surface.TDesignSurface.CreateItem (Line 197, "Surface.pas" + 1) + $11

[21102182]{designide210.bpl} Designer.TDesigner.DoDragCreate (Line 795, "Designer.pas" + 1) + $F

[21102A30]{designide210.bpl} Designer.TDesigner.DragEnd (Line 975, "Designer.pas" + 19) + $3

[21105048]{designide210.bpl} Designer.TDesigner.MouseUp (Line 1764, "Designer.pas" + 1) + $2

[520EEFAA]{vcldesigner210.bpl} VCLSurface.MouseEvent (Line 3187, "VCLSurface.pas" + 45) + $11

[5005FDF3]{rtl210.bpl } System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 17415, "System.pas" + 2) + $7

[520EFB9F]{vcldesigner210.bpl} VCLSurface.TVclDesignSurface.IsDesignMsg (Line 3448, "VCLSurface.pas" + 48) + $6

[5005F3E6]{rtl210.bpl } System.@IsClass (Line 16131, "System.pas" + 1) + $8

[505C299B]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 7145, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 4) + $21

[506B54F9]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TCustomStyleEngine.HookCBProc (Line 7284, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 1) + $9

[506B1D2B]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TStyleManager.GetIsCustomStyleActive (Line 5449, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 0) + $7

[506B5501]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TCustomStyleEngine.HookCBProc (Line 7286, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 3) + $0

[506B566E]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TCustomStyleEngine.HookCBProc (Line 7332, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 49) + $18

[505C6F0B]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 9806, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 1) + $9

[505C76E2]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10038, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 153) + $6

[5070CE98]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4427, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 206) + $5

[520F870F]{vcldesigner210.bpl} VCLFormContainer.TControlSizer.ControlWndProc (Line 313, "VCLFormContainer.pas" + 33) + $C

[505C6D1C]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9750, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 3) + $6

[5016E218]{rtl210.bpl } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 16600, "System.Classes.pas" + 8) + $0

[5005FDA2]{rtl210.bpl } System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 17393, "System.pas" + 1) + $2

[507176C9]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.CancelHint (Line 11181, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 6) + $D

[5071635B]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 10352, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 23) + $1

[5071639E]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10382, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 1) + $4

[507166D1]{vcl210.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10520, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 26) + $3


  • Never mind ....

    I thought I had the latest version I could download. I snagged v 5.6.18 from my Fast-Report customer portal.

    All resolved!

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