creating a chart at fastscript runtime
I need to make a chart at runtime in fastscript.
In the
procedure Chart1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
Var x: tFrxSeriesItem;
x := Chart1.SeriesData.add;
x.xSource := 'aaa;bbb;ccc';
x.ySource := '1;2;3';
Complies but gives an index(0) out of range error.
If I do tBarSeries.Create(Chart1.Chart); than the show stops as there is no addseries in fastscript.
Documentation is minimal and the faq is empty as is google.
What am I missing..?
In the
procedure Chart1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
Var x: tFrxSeriesItem;
x := Chart1.SeriesData.add;
x.xSource := 'aaa;bbb;ccc';
x.ySource := '1;2;3';
Complies but gives an index(0) out of range error.
If I do tBarSeries.Create(Chart1.Chart); than the show stops as there is no addseries in fastscript.
Documentation is minimal and the faq is empty as is google.
What am I missing..?