FastReport - AllowSplit of child band of a page is not functionning
I have fast report vcl version 2021.2.1. I have a simple report with a headerPage, a childband and TfrxMemoView and TfrxRichView in the childband. When the FrxMemoView or FrxRichView exceeds the 1 st page, i would expect them to split the page and the rest of the text and objects to go to the next page. I have the property AllowSplit on the child and stretchMode: smActualHeight, but it seems not functionning. How can i make it work? Have anyone an example of a fr3 file that does this? That is, a frxRichView text exceding the container and going to the next page.
I dont use any datatasource associated. My reports are only text i put on them programatically.
I send the fr3 and the output pdf of an a example not working, for anyone please, to analyse.
Any help i would apreciate.
Best Regards!