Two reports in the same form using two frxPreview components

Hi All!

In an app I want to show two reports in the same form.

I split the form in two sections using two panels and in each panel I put two frxPreview components 

// Properties of 1st report

frxDBDataset1.DataSet := QEvCurrent1;

frxDBDataset1.UserName := 'frxDBDataset1';

frxReport1.DataSet := frxDataSet1;

frxReport1.DataSetName := 'frxDBDataset1';

frxReport1.Preview := nil; // See note 

// Properties os 2nd report

frxDBDataset2.DataSet := QEvCurrent2;

frxDBDataset2.UserName := 'frxDBDataset2';

frxReport2.DataSet := frxDataSet2;

frxReport2.DataSetName := 'frxDBDataset1';

frxReport2.Preview := nil; // See note 

 QEvCurrent1.Active := False;


 QEvCurrent1.SQL.Add('SELECT TOP 3 * FROM Cars WHERE Maker = ''Ford'' ORDER BY Model DESC');

 QEvCurrent1.Active := True;

 if frxReport1.LoadFromFile('C:\Projects\Cars\DashBReport1.fr3') then


   if frxReport1.PrepareReport(True) then


     frxReport1.Preview := frxPreview1;


     ShowMessage('Preview 1: ' + frxPreview1.Report.Name);    // <= Shows DashBReport1



    MessageDlg('Error Preparing Report 1', mtError, [mbOk], 100);



  MessageDlg('Error Loading Report 1', mtError, [mbOk], 100);


 QEvCurrent2.SQL.Add('SELECT TOP 3 * FROM Cars WHERE Maker = ''BMW'' ORDER BY Model DESC');

 QEvCurrent2.Active := True;

 if frxReport2.LoadFromFile('C:\Projects\\Cars\DashBReport2.fr3') then


   frxReport2.Preview := frxPreview2;

   if frxReport2.PrepareReport(True) then


     frxReport2.Preview := frxPreview2;


     ShowMessage('Preview 2: ' + frxPreview2.Report.Name);    // <= Shows DashBReport2



    MessageDlg('Error Preparing Report 2', mtError, [mbOk], 100);



  MessageDlg('Error Loading Report 2', mtError, [mbOk], 100);

But the forms shows data for Ford cars in both reports and I'm sure there are data in the second query

Is ti possible to do this wir FR?

Best Regards

Francisco Alvarado



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