MS Chart no displaying in generated report

I have been working with fast reports for a while now in .net 5.0 and have generated a handful of successful reports with data. This new report I am working on requires a chart to summarize the data. I added a MSChart object to my report designer and went through the normal motions of adding all the files and setting up the report in Visual Studio 19. Upon creation and viewing of the report the rest of the data is there, but the chart is missing. I figured I was missing something so I did some research and found I needed the DataVisualization package so I included that and still have had no luck. I've seen a lot of references to Microsoft Chart Controls in the discussion but I am not sure I need that since I am using the external designer to create the reports. Do I need this package as well and or is there some extra step I need to do in the code to get the chart to actually show up in my report?



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