How to get data to TfrxMemoView by index?

edited November 2021 in FastReport VCL

Hi everybody, I have TfrxUserDataSet with many rows and many TfrxMemoView.

Memos can be in different places of the page and have different Tag values (Memo.Tag = DataSet.RecNo).

I need to get values from TfrxUserDataSet to this TfrxMemoView, but I don`t know how to do this by Index.

I need something like this





  • Create user's function which will gete Tag as parameter and return required value from Delphi's code

  • Create user's function which will gete Tag as parameter and return required value from Delphi's code

    I tried to do with this code, but it said, that RecNo cannot be assigned

    procedure Memo3OnAfterData(Sender: TfrxComponent);


     LDataSet: TfrxDataSet;


     LDataSet := Report.GetDataset('dsFields');                        

     LDataSet.RecNo := TfrxMemoView(Sender).Tag; // <- Error: Left side cannot be assigned to

     TfrxMemoView(Sender).Memo.Text := LDataSet.Value['Text'];             


    How can I correctly get value from DataSet?

  • Use Delphi's code, not script. And don't set RecNo. Access your user's data in other way

  • Can you please give me an example how to access my users data with Delphi code?

    For example, if I have some function in Delphi, can I run it from FastReport script code?

    Thank you.

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