Load data in to TfrxHTMLView at runtime

Hi, I would like to assign HTML data to a TfrxHTMLView object at runtime. For this purpose, I have set up a report with a TfrxHTMLView object. The HTML data is available as a string (InhaltHTML). I wrote the following procedure:
procedure frxReportBeforePrint (Sender: TfrxReportComponent);
If Sender.Name = <name of TfrxHTMLView object>
then TfrxHTMLView (Sender).HtmlViewer.Text: = InhaltHTML;
At runtime I get an error message (access violation at ... read of address ...). The error message occurs with the Vcl.Graphics function TFont.GetSize.
The HTML string can be displayed in a TWebBrowser component without errors.
What is wrong? Are there other ways to assign data to a TfrxHTMLView object at runtime? I am using the FastReport VCL 2021.3.1 version.
Send InhaltHTML value to support@fast-report.com
Hi @detlef, i am trying to use the HTMLView too, but i can't even get started. All info i have is in this link. Did you succeed with your issue? What does your code look like?