FR 3.0 Problem (but not in FR 2.54!)

1. Memo Editor Font Size Problem
When I set text Object font size to 6 then the memo editor become size 6 too. This make very difficult to edit the expression.

2. Column Gap in Report Page
There is no Column Gap in FR 3.08 for Report Page (only column gap for band)

3. Very difficult to click small Text Object
Drag a field from Data Tree and size to 1x1 then you are not able to click the Object! Why because the Dropdown mark appear when you click to the Object!

4. Vertical Band
In FR 2.54: make a report with Master Data and put cross data band (add detail dataset to it) then Preview... you will see your report.
In FR 3.08: do like you do in FR 2.54 above, you never see your Preview report! When you try to Convert the 2.54 report using FrConverter tool you never get Vertical Band in the Converted file! (but the Converter put some script text)

5. Which Dataset?
Put FrxReport object and set Dataset to frxDataset1. Double click the FrxReport and put a Master Data Band then link to frxDataset1 then you get an error!
(To fix this problem you should ERASE the Dataset link in FrxReport Object, but leave the Master data Band link to frxDataset1)

Frankly, I love the new feature in FR 3.08 but Migrate from FR 2.54 make me confusious!



  • edited 4:29PM

    4. Vertical Band
    In FR 2.54: make a report with Master Data and put cross data band (add detail dataset to it) then Preview... you will see your report.
    In FR 3.08: do like you do in FR 2.54 above, you never see your Preview report! When you try to Convert the 2.54 report  using FrConverter tool you never get Vertical Band in the Converted file! (but the Converter put some script text)

    Frankly, I love the new feature in FR 3.08 but Migrate from FR 2.54 make me confusious!

    4. Vertical Band
    In FR 2.54: make a report with Master Data and put cross data band (add detail dataset to it) then Preview... you will see your report.

    In FR 3.08: make a report with Master Data and put Vertical data band (add detail dataset to it) then you get a Incorrect band postion : DetailData1 message

    How can I do it in FR3.08

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