Variables manipulation from/to Delphi

edited September 2021 in FastReport VCL


I use Delphi 10.4.3 and FR 6.8.x.

I need to print a fiscal report that has some initial total which new values must be registered at the end of report.

So I set the variables values from Delphi:


  frmFrxReport.frxReport.Variables['ProgD'] := StrToFloat(LabFinDare.Caption);

  ShowMessage(FormatFloat('#,##0.00',frmFrxReport.frxReport.Variables['ProgD']) ....

Values are correctly shown

In Fast Report script I assign new values as below:

  procedure ReportOnAfterPrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);

  Set('ProgD', 9999);         // value reassigned manually

  ShowMessage(FloatToStr(<ProgD>));  // value is correctly displayed 

At the end of the report, correctly processed, i reassign values and check them:

  procedure ReportOnAfterPrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);

  ShowMessage(FloatToStr(PDA));    // new value PDA OK displayed

  Set('ProgD', PDA);         // new assignement from PDA value

  ShowMessage(FloatToStr(<ProgD>));  // new ProgD is correctly displayed

But in Delphi after 'report close' i get initial values !

 ShowMessage(FormatFloat('#,##0.00',frmFrxReport.frxReport.Variables['ProgD']) // initial value 1234567 displayed again.

Where do I wrong ?  

For several days I have been trying and looking for the reason for this malfunction.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks for your availability.


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