Improvement to TfrxHTMLView

TfrxHTMLView is a great addition to the VCL reporting tool!

Can I suggest you add a HTML paste function to the source editor for the TfrxHTMLView

This would make this feature MUCH more useful

//Basically like this


 CF_HTML: Word;

 Data: THandle;

 Ptr: Pointer;

 Error: DWORD;

 Size: NativeUInt;

 utf8: UTF8String;

 Html: string;


 CF_HTML := RegisterClipboardFormat('HTML Format');



  Data := Clipboard.GetAsHandle(CF_HTML);

  if Data=0 then begin

   Writeln('HTML data not found on clipboard');



  Ptr := GlobalLock(Data);

  if not Assigned(Ptr) then begin

   Error := GetLastError;

   Writeln('GlobalLock failed: ' + SysErrorMessage(Error));




   Size := GlobalSize(Data);

   if Size=0 then begin

    Error := GetLastError;

    Writeln('GlobalSize failed: ' + SysErrorMessage(Error));



   SetString(utf8, PAnsiChar(Ptr), Size - 1);

   Html := string(utf8);








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