Table Object Dynamic in C#

Hello Everybody! I'm trying to draw a table no with Designer but code-behind using c#.

IT's possibile to have an example how to make a table dynamic no with designer ? 

I'm tryng but at the end the Engine dosen't print it

I made a newTabke = new TableObject() -> connected to the Manual Build events with this code :

 newTable.ManualBuild += new EventHandler(GenerateNewDynamicTable);

 private void GenerateNewDynamicTable(object sender, EventArgs e)



   TableObject newTable = sender as TableObject;




   foreach(var col in tabA.Columns)









   int z = 0 ;


   foreach (DataColumn col in tabA.Columns)





   foreach (DataRow row in tabA.Rows)

   {   int i = 0 ;





    foreach (DataColumn col in tabA.Columns)














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