How to change header info according to report data

edited July 2021 in FastReport .NET

Hi there,

I have a system for education covoring many school so if i want to generate report for student results in some exam for example it my be students from several schools which has different school information , The header of result report is designed for school information which can not constly selected for specific school because the list of student are not form one school so

How can i obtain the school <ID> at run time accoding to student school id

Esmat halha


  • One of my failure attemts that i tried to use master-detail relation between report databand datasource as parent and school information datasorce as child but it is not works and the master-detail relation is used just in databand scope.

  • hello

    hello, what software do you use to develop? I think it's simple, you just need to add the school information field via the foreign key. you place the school information field directly on the report

  • Hello

    I use C# .

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