Deleting pages in the FinalPass
I am trying to pad out a report with a 'Notes' page so as the total number of pages in the report is always a multiple of 4. This is so as the printing company can bind the document easily.
I have tried creating pages at runtime and inserting them into the frxReport.Objects during the OnManualBuild event. This typically results in a "List Index Out of bounds" when the rest of the FR code runs. I saw this post about swapping pages and that works. I have not found any other posts on dynamically creating pages at runtime though. Is it possible?
What I would like to do is insert pages on the final pass based on whether the number of pages is a multiple of 4: Something like:
LTotalPagesToInsert:=frxReport.Engine.TotalPages mod 4;
if LTotalPagesToInsert>0 then
I've tried adding 3 'Notes' pages to the report designer and then trying to make them visible\invisible according to the number of pages needed to pad the report out. However as the report has a Table of Contents (TOC), its not until the final pass that I know the true number of pages. From what I can see, you can only set a page's visible\invisible property during the first pass.
Has anyone encountedered this issue before and if so, how did you approach it?
Delphi 10.2.3 with FR 2021.0.3.
Add Page2 to report and use in the script
procedure Page1OnAfterPrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
Page2.PageCount := 4 - <Page> mod 4;