MongoDB plugin
we wanted to use your .NET FastReport Designer (Version 1.0.0 Demo) with a MongoDB Connection and followed your instructions provided here: (and also from the contained readme.txt) None of the solutions worked for us.
We were getting the following error:
"The GuidRepresentation for the writer is CSharpLegacy, which requires the subType argument to be UuidLegacy, not UuidStandard".
We were able to adjust the ConnectionString within the MongoDB plugin code by modifying all "ConnectionString" instances to:
MongoClient client = new MongoClient(ConnectionString + "/?safe=true&uuidRepresentation=Standard");
And with using the newly build MongoDB.dll we were able to establish a connection.
Also, it only worked when using the "designer.exe" program, not the main application "FastReport NET Trial".
You might want to check this problem.
Happy to assist with further information if needed.
Maybe this helps anyone...