Matrix expressions referencing other data fields than cell value
I have tried highlighting the cell in a Matrix based on other values in the same data source row. It has failed.
I have used expressions like:
((decimal?)Value) > ((decimal?)[Accuracy.Data Values.Limits.High Limit.Value])
If I replace [Accuracy.Data Values.Limits.High Limit.Value] with a fix number, like 5, it works. Is it possible to reference other fields than the actual cell value in an expression like this?
It looks like the actual problem is that we use a decimal? type for the Value which cannot be converted correctly.
It is seen as having the type Nullable'1 in FastReport.
So referencing the field was not the problem.
Type conversion was not the problem after all.
I know now that the problem is related to the accessing fields in the Matrix data source is not fetching from current datasource row when used in the Highlight expression. I tested to use different fields and made it work for some, but other fields only gave me the value for the first data source row. Feels like a bug,,,