Bugs in 3.08

I have many reports made in FR 3.06 and all works well.
In FR 3.07 many error occured so I waited for 3.08, but it's still problem.

I tried to find out when error occures :

- In FR 3.06 a used my own function FLOATTOSTRF0() and FLOATTOSTRF2(), it works well. In FR 3.08 I can't use them in some causes. I have to use #n%2,2n, but to rewrite all my reports to this form means three days.

- [IIF(<frxtsml."Name">='','new',IIF(<frxtsml."Name">=<MyName>,'my new','old'))] doesn't work

- [<QsumaVxdanz."SUM OF vxdanz">+<QsumaVxbezd."SUM OF vxbezd">] doesn't work

SO I still have to use FR 3.06.
thanks, L.


  • edited 5:10AM
    1,2) it may be related to lock procedure in the FastScript. If you have sources, find and remove the "while Item.FLocked do;" string in the fs_iinterpreter.pas file.
    3) why it should work and how?
  • edited 5:10AM
    I don't have sources, just Standard edition. What can I do ?
  • edited 5:10AM
    Wait for update (tomorrow).
  • edited 5:10AM
    Well today you add FastScript 1.8 to your web page. But I use FastScript in FR 3 Standard editition so in my download area I still see only FR 3.08 (23.12.2004).
    Do I have to wait till FR 3.09, or is any other solution ?
  • edited 5:10AM
    Download FR3 Std again, it is fixed.
  • edited 5:10AM
    Thanks, but only my second problem is fixed. My first problem is not, so I can't use FR 3.08.
  • edited 5:10AM
    In 3.09 it's OK.

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