Rendering inconsistencies across platforms


We're experiencing issues regarding margins and fonts when we generate a PDF on Mac, Windows and Ubuntu.

On Windows the rendering is the worst, with the most margin issues, macOS and Ubuntu render best with the least of issues, see attached.

On Ubuntu, we've installed libgdiplus, as per requirement for FR.

I thought PDF would be an universal format, what could be the cause for this misbehavement?

I've attached a sample solution as well.




  • Anyone?

  • Almost a year later and we managed to solve this issue ourselves.

    We ran Fast Reports in an Ubuntu docker container (6.0-focal), in order to iron-out the inconsistencies, we needed to install libgdiplus and some fonts:

    # Install GDIPlus for rendering

    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libgdiplus

    # Install Fonts for FRX

    RUN apt-get install -y ttf-mscorefonts-installer fontconfig

    RUN fc-cache -f

    You're welcome

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