Support for Delphi 10.1 Berlin
I'm creating a PDF file from a template with an OnBeforePrint event. The report script works fine in FR 4 in Delphi 2010, but doesn't run in Delphi 10.1 Berlin with FastReport 5.
The code example is the following:
oExportFilter := TfrxExportPDF.Create(nil); try if FReport.PrepareReport then //script runs in PrepareScript function inside for version 4 begin //export FReport to PDF end; finally oExportFilter.Free; end;
I try this code with the same result:
with FReport do begin Freport.ScriptText.Clear; //clear script text Freport.ScriptText.Add('procedure PageFooter1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);'); Freport.ScriptText.Add('Begin'); Freport.ScriptText.Add('Memotest.Color := $00FF0000;'); Freport.ScriptText.Add('end;'); Freport.ScriptText.Add('Begin'); Freport.ScriptText.Add('PageFooter1.OnbeforePrint :='+''''+'PageFooter1OnBeforePrint'+''''+';'); Freport.ScriptText.Add('end.'); FReport.ShowReport; end;
The only problem is the report script. Has Embarcadero Rad Studio 10.1 Berlin support for FastScript? How to validate it?
Thanks in advance.
Add export filters support.
In the Delphi:
frxReport1.Script.AddClass(TfrxCustomExportFilter, 'TComponent');
frxReport1.Script.AddClass(TfrxCustomImageExport, 'TfrxCustomExportFilter');
frxReport1.Script.AddClass(TfrxBMPExport, 'TfrxCustomImageExport');
frxReport1.Script.AddClass(TfrxRTFExport, 'TfrxCustomExportFilter');
In the script
frxRTFExport1.FileName := 'myFilename.rtf';