Group Footer doesn't work when only one group
In delphi 10.4 with fastreport VCL (i try to migrate from crystal report)
I use a dataset whith a join beetween two tables (invoice header and invoice lines) with a query that extract only one invoice but several lines
I set up group header on invoice number (wich is on every lines)
Master data print correctly the lines (qty , unit price, amount)
Group header print correctly (customer, invoice date invoice number etc ...)
Group footer doesn't print anything (invoice due date, bank anccount , paiement conditions etc ...)
Is it because there is no change of the grouping value ? How can i print it anyway ?
Group footer needs dataset which allow Prior method. Do you use such dataset? Some datasets are unidirectional (like DBX) and Prior will not works
Correct !
I use TsqlDataset with dbexpress MS Sql server Driver
Switching to a clientDataset component solves the problem
Many Thanks