Can I show the designer control's data panel programmatically?
I am using fastreport from a C# winforms app and I am using the designer control to let the user edit the report designs from within my app.
Every time I open the designer control the data panel (That lists the fields that can be dragged onto the page to print) is not visible. The user has to go to the View=>Data menu item to show this panel.
I'd like to show that panel programmatically. If possible.
In addition--for bonus points--is it possible to dock this panel in the same tabbed panel as the report tree and properties panel. Again, i mean programmatically. A user can drag the panel to do this, but I want to automate this.
you have to buy fastreport license with source code and make your own mods
I have a license with the source code now. I have an example program you sent me to control the dock of the data panel (or other panels). I now have that code working in my app to control the posiution (and size) of the various docked panels.
However, what I can't seem to do is to make the data panel show initially. What is really strange is that the data panel is showing in your test application, not mine and I can't figure out why.
Any ideas?
data panel is DictionaryWindow class, try to show/hide => dataWindow.Show(); or dataWindow.Hide();