How to make TeeChart actually work with FastReports? Never can compile it in.
I have had fast reports for nearly 10 years.
One thing I have never gotten to work is TeeChart support. Not once.
Always missing files or something go on.
Never has TfrxChartObject available. Never compiled/installed into IDE.
Can never get FR DPK files to manually compile always complaining about TEE missing and such.
I tried changing the .INC files manually but this never goes right either.
I have Delphi 10.2.3
I have TeeChart VCL PRO - v2020.29.200113 32bit VCL ( with source )
I have FastReports VCL 6 Pro - 6.9.6 ( with source )
Is there anyone who has ever gotten this to work?
Is there any hold your hand instructions to easily get to to show what exact steps 1 by 1
on what needs to be done / exposed / configured / ect to make it so I can have TeeChart support
with in FastReports?
This is probably more of a Steema issue than FastReports.
I've had a number of goofy issues with the Steema installer over the years and odd things happening.
Try to change TeeChart version by FR's recompile.exe
Run "recompile.exe" and do these steps:
1. Select Delphi version
2. Select FR version
3. Select TeeChart version
4. Press "Browse" button and select path to TeeChart's .dcu files
(usually it C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart X for Delphi X\DelphiX\Lib)
5. Select "Change TeeChart version"
6. Press "Compile" button
It also tried this in various ways with Delphi 10.3 and Delphi 10.4 VCL and FMX in combination with FR2.0 FMX or FR6.0 VCL without any success.
The TeeChart control "TfrxChartObject" does not show up in the report designer.