Issue with editing PreviewControl Exports

Hello everyone,

I am working with a PreviewControl and, through the designer, edited the items that I wanted to appear in the Exports by unchecking the ones I didn't want...

But they all still show up. Is there an additional step somewhere that I'm missing or something? Or is this a bug? I cleaned my solution and rebuilt and had the same result...

I appreciate everyone's help!


  • workaround: you may set menu item visibility to false.

          FastReport.DevComponents.DotNetBar.Bar bar = previewControl1.ToolBar;

          FastReport.DevComponents.DotNetBar.BaseItem save = bar.Items["btnSave"];

          int i = 0;

          int j = 0;

          using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("d:\\output.txt"))


            foreach (FastReport.DevComponents.DotNetBar.BaseItem item in save.SubItems)


              //item.Visible = false;

              j = 0;

              sw.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", i, item.Name));

              foreach (FastReport.DevComponents.DotNetBar.BaseItem subItem in item.SubItems)


                //subItem.Visible = false;

                sw.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1} -> {2} = {3}", i, item.Name, j, subItem.Name));






    the output:

    0: Pdf

    1: Office

    1: Office -> 0 = RichText

    1: Office -> 1 = Xlsx

    1: Office -> 2 = Xls

    1: Office -> 3 = Docx

    1: Office -> 4 = Pptx

    1: Office -> 5 = Ods

    1: Office -> 6 = Odt

    2: XML

    2: XML -> 0 = Xml

    2: XML -> 1 = Xaml

    3: Web

    3: Web -> 0 = Html

    3: Web -> 1 = Mht

    4: Image

    4: Image -> 0 = Image

    4: Image -> 1 = Svg

    5: DataBase

    5: DataBase -> 0 = Csv

    5: DataBase -> 1 = Dbf

    5: DataBase -> 2 = Json

    6: Print

    6: Print -> 0 = Text

    6: Print -> 1 = Zpl

    6: Print -> 2 = Ppml

    6: Print -> 3 = PS

    7: Other

    7: Other -> 0 = Xps

    7: Other -> 1 = LaTeX

    8: Cloud

    8: Cloud -> 0 = Ftp

    8: Cloud -> 1 = Box

    8: Cloud -> 2 = Dropbox

    8: Cloud -> 3 = FastCloud

    8: Cloud -> 4 = GoogleDrive

    8: Cloud -> 5 = SkyDrive

    9: Messengers

    9: Messengers -> 0 = Xmpp

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Rich Text Editor. To edit a paragraph's style, hit tab to get to the paragraph menu. From there you will be able to pick one style. Nothing defaults to paragraph. An inline formatting menu will show up when you select text. Hit tab to get into that menu. Some elements, such as rich link embeds, images, loading indicators, and error messages may get inserted into the editor. You may navigate to these using the arrow keys inside of the editor and delete them with the delete or backspace key.