some installation troubles

Hello, I have just finished installing FR3 enterprise and it took me about one day of trial and errors. I just want to share some hints.

I have Delphi6 and TeeChart6. I followed the instructions, editing the include files, but it wasn't enough.

I wish to warn that I had to change all TEE67 package references in *.dpk to TEE66
(lines like "{$IFDEF TeeChart6} TEE67, {$ENDIF}" into "{$IFDEF TeeChart6} TEE66, {$ENDIF}") using notepad, since editing dpk in Delphi creates troubles.

In addition, after using "recompile", in the "libD6" folder all client/server sources were missing so I had to manually copy them.

To finish, I got an error opening charts "class seriesxxx not defined", which was solved adding a "RegisterTeeStandardSeries;" statement in the initialization part of frxChart.pas

Hope it helps.
Best Regards,

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