Error recompiling fastreport 6_7_10 and teechart9
When trying to recompile FastReport 6-7-10 with TeeChart9 (not de standard) the only option available is "Teechart 9 and later" and then, when compiling, a lot of errors about a file "and.dpr" not found occurs and compiling fails.
it seems like the recompiling tool is taking the name of a file from the textbox of the teechart version.
When selecting TeeChartStd9 option recompiling is ok.
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance.
I don't have a solution for your problem, but I wonder if it would be worth experimenting with "Recompile.exe" selecting different options for "TeeChart Version", and then "capturing" the "Run.bat" file. I attach one I grabbed recently (file extension fudged to get around Forum objection to uploading .bat files) and it clearly shows the parameters passed to the Compiler.
Capturing the Batch File requires a good eye and a steady hand! They are transient and will be deleted if you aren't quick.
As an alternative, you could just save the "Recompile.log" file at the end of one Recompile step (example also attached).
We used this technique to "reverse engineer" FastReport (and FastCube) Installers / Recompilers in order to build a Utility to get around the frustrating process you have to go through with every new version, to "upgrade".
Cheers, Paul
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your help. I waited for a new version to solve the problem but the new 10.7.11 has the same behaviour.
After assuring myself that, inside de source code, the expected defined word was "TeeChart9" instead of "TeeChart9 and later" I edited with an hex editor the recompile.exe program and replace in it the string "and later" with spaces (simply deleting made the program crash).
Now, recompile.exe can run and behave as expected.
I wish that someone developing fastreport read this comment and solve the problem in future releases.
Cheers, Servando.
G'day Servando,
I find that raising Support Tickets gets a faster response than the Forums.
Use the same login details you use to access your licensed software :-)
Cheers, Paul
P.S. I believe that Recompile.exe gets replaced with each new version of FastReport installed, so your patch to the code won't be permanent sadly.
Fixed. Will be available in the next build