Band at the bottom of the report
Hello. I have a report with PageHerder1, MasterData1, MasterData2, ReportSummary1 and PageFooter1. I need MasterData2, ReportSummary1 and PageFooter1 to be at the bottom of the page. Exactly in that sequence. I got the ReportSummary1 and PageFooter1, however, the MasterDSata2 (variable height) is not above ReportSummary1. I would like help to resolve this.
Try to use in the MasterData2.OnAfterCalcHeight:
if Engine.FreeSpace < MasterData2.Height + ReportSummary1.Height + 0.0001 then Engine.NewPage;
Engine.CurY := Engine.CurY + Engine.FreeSpace - (MasterData2.Height + ReportSummary1.Height + 0.0001);