Connection DB
😥I added the DBX and DBXTable objects in a report.
From Delphi I can not find the property to pass data to the DBX connection ..
How can I do ?
from delphi I have a variable that passes to the report with the path of the database but how can I associate it with the dbx component
You can access to TfrxDBXDatabase.Params (this is TStrings) from Delphi
TfrxDBXDatabase(frxReport1.FindObject('DBXDatabase1')).Params.Strings[n] := 'YourNewValue';
perfect.. function.
fxREP.LoadFromFile(ExtractFilePath(Forms.Application.ExeName) + 'REP\FX\FATTURA' + '.fr3');
TfrxDBXDatabase(fxREP.FindObject('DBX')).Params.Strings[1] := 'Database ='+ DBC_INFO('CONFIG','DATABASE');
fxREP.Variables.Variables['REGNUM'] := #39+Trim(IntToStr(cdArt.FieldByName('REGNUM').AsInteger))+#39;
fxREP.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False;
in the report have: onbeforeprint:
qbMVH.params('REGNUM').Value:= <REGNUM>
want dbxconnections.ini
risolto con i componenti IBX e anzicchè DBX
Yes, IBX is much easy to configure