How to create a group off objects and enable - disable all the group
I want to have in some off my reports the ability to enable a group of columns with a case contition (like a checkbox at dialog page) at once .
I there a way to do this without to have I to enable - diasble all objects one by one ?
I need something like ->
if checkbox1.checked then
< group of objects>.Visible:=thue
This isn't quite what you are asking for, but you can get the same effect. Basically, you use the Name or Tag or TagStr field as a classifier, and iterate all the objects checking the tag against some report data field. I do this in my DetailData OnBeforePrint where it walks the objects on that band, tweaking the visibility, font size etc. I print labels, and have similar code which hides or reveals a label outline.
procedure SitterOnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
s, thiscol : string;
i, len : integer;
c : TObject;
thememo : TfrxMemoView;
thiscol := <fd>; //data field
for i := 0 to Sender.Objects.Count - 1 do begin
c := Sender.Objects[i];
if c is TfrxMemoView then begin
thememo := TfrxMemoView(c);
s := thememo.Name; // I am actually using the name here, but could use the tag
len := length(s);
if (copy(s, 1, 5) = 'From_') or (copy(s, 1, 3) = 'To_') then begin
thememo.Visible := ((s[1] = 'F') and (s[len] = thiscol[1])) or ((s[1] = 'T') and (s[len - 1] = thiscol[1]));
<<Rest of code snipped here>>