Defining code behind for a report created from code
I am creating a report from Delphi code. Now I want to add the report some code behind. How do I do that? At best the code behind is Delphi code, but can be pascalscript too.
Memo := TfrxMemoView.Create(SubMasterDataBand);
Memo.Name := 'MemoResC' + InttoStr(c);
Memo.Top := 0;
Memo.Left := LeftCol;
Memo.Width := BoundWidth / (Grid.ColWidths[ColIdx] / SubGrid.ColWidths[c]);
LeftCol := LeftCol + Memo.Width;
Memo.Frame.Typ := [];
Memo.Font.Size := round(SubGrid.Font.Size * ScaleFactor);// - 3;
Memo.StretchMode := smMaxHeight;
Memo.AllowHTMLTags := true;
Memo.DataSet := frxDBDatasetDetail;
Memo.DataField := 'HTMLResultCol'+IntToStr(c+1);
Memo.AllowExpressions := false;
Memo.WordWrap := true;
Memo.AutoWidth := true;
Memo.OnAfterData := 'OnAfterDataColor';
Thanks for your help!
Modify TfrxReport.ScriptText