Font on Code page keeps reverting to small size

I've just bought and installed Delphi Rio 10.3.2, and Fast Reports VCL 6.4.12. I use the Source Code Pro font in both the Delphi IDE and Fast Reports Code page.

However, the font size in Fast Reports Code keeps changing back to size 6 (too small), whenever I double-click the frxReport component and click the Code tab. I change it to 10, but if I close the frxReport designer and go back in, it's back to size 6 again.

I've tried using Arial, but it keeps reverting to size 8 and looks like there's a space between every character, even though there's not.

Before the Delphi upgrade I was using Delphi XE8 and FR 6.4.0 and never had this problem.


  • Before the Delphi upgrade I was using Delphi XE8 and FR 6.4.0 and never had this problem.

    Do you have same behavior with XE8 and FR 6.4.12?

  • This should be your registry or ini files has stored previous value. For example, in registry:

    HKEYCURRENTUSER\Software\Fast Reports\Form5.TfrxDesignerForm\ScriptFontSize

    The value may be smaller than default 10 and make the font appear smaller.

    It should be related to long awaited fix for Delphi DPI issue or FastReport DPI implementation. The actual code that get the font size is:

    function TfrxScrollWin.GetScaledFontSize: Integer;


     Result := Round(Font.Size / GetScale);


  • Try to use latest FR 6.5.5

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