Printing from Session 0 and Locale causing variant issues?

edited 9:23PM in FastReport VCL
I have a small command line program that gets kicked off by another service that appears to run in Session 0 of windows.
They use it to print invoices and such from an old inventory system.

I notice a lot of cases where in session 0, my program generates a lot of EVariantTypeCastError's

Run the program again manually from a logged in user and everything is fine.

Windows 10 / 7 / 2012 server / ect ....

Using Tokyo 10.3.2 and latest FR6 ...
exception class    : EVariantTypeCastError
exception message  : Could not convert variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (Currency).

main thread ($30f8):
00470a97 +06f CMW.exe      System.Variants   679   +1 VarCastError
00470ede +01a CMW.exe      System.Variants   748   +3 VarResultCheck
004749ca +086 CMW.exe      System.Variants  2838   +7 VarToCurrencyAsString
00474da3 +23b CMW.exe      System.Variants  2926  +31 @VarToCurrency
004781d2 +022 CMW.exe      System.Variants  4274   +2 CurrOp
00478440 +108 CMW.exe      System.Variants  4364  +26 SimpleVarOp
004785fe +022 CMW.exe      System.Variants  4435   +6 @VarOp
01f684a1 +40d CMW.exe      frxClass         8889  +74 TfrxCustomMemoView.CalcAndFormat
01f67bdc +5d4 CMW.exe      frxClass         8766  +87 TfrxCustomMemoView.GetData
01782e1c +14c CMW.exe      frxEngine        1830  +33 TfrxEngine.Stretch
0178594b +223 CMW.exe      frxEngine        2796  +58 TfrxEngine.DoShow
01782622 +05a CMW.exe      frxEngine        1638   +8 TfrxEngine.ShowBand
017835d0 +2b8 CMW.exe      frxEngine        2003  +49 TfrxEngine.AddPage
0178228a +222 CMW.exe      frxEngine        1549  +35 TfrxEngine.InitPage
0178192f +06f CMW.exe      frxEngine        1359   +4 ShowPage
01781cb6 +102 CMW.exe      frxEngine        1418  +27 TfrxEngine.RunPage
0177f219 +0e5 CMW.exe      frxEngine         514  +14 DoPages
0177f276 +026 CMW.exe      frxEngine         523   +3 TfrxEngine.RunReportPages
0177ee9a +1b2 CMW.exe      frxEngine         435  +37 TfrxEngine.Run
01f76baf +1df CMW.exe      frxClass        13381  +45 TfrxReport.PrepareReport


stack dump:
0019f494  9c 0a 47 00 de fa ed 0e - 01 00 00 00 07 00 00 00  ..G.............
0019f4a4  a8 f4 19 00 9c 0a 47 00 - 30 93 5e 08 02 01 00 00  ......G.0.^.....
0019f4b4  06 00 4a 08 f8 7f 4e 08 - f4 f4 19 00 c4 f4 19 00  ..J...N.........
0019f4c4  04 f5 19 00 3c b8 40 00 - f4 f4 19 00 f8 7f 4e 08  ....<.@.......N.
0019f4d4  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0019f4e4  2c d7 4f 08 11 03 46 00 - 5c a4 49 08 11 7f 4e 08  ,.O...F.\.I...N.
0019f4f4  28 f5 19 00 e3 0e 47 00 - e4 f5 19 00 cf 49 47 00  (.....G......IG.
0019f504  a4 f5 19 00 3c b8 40 00 - 28 f5 19 00 e4 f5 19 00  ....<.@.(.......
0019f514  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0019f524  00 00 00 00 6c f5 19 00 - a8 4d 47 00 00 00 00 00  ....l....MG.....
0019f534  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0019f544  11 00 00 00 8c f5 19 00 - e4 f5 19 00 d7 81 47 00  ..............G.
0019f554  e4 f5 19 00 06 00 00 00 - ef 33 f7 01 f7 33 f7 01  .........3...3..
0019f564  03 00 00 00 12 74 40 00 - 00 00 00 00 45 84 47 00  .....t@.....E.G.
0019f574  05 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 - 05 00 00 00 90 f6 19 00  ................
0019f584  00 00 00 00 f8 7f 4e 08 - e4 f5 19 00 03 86 47 00  ......N.......G.
0019f594  b8 18 fe 01 b8 18 fe 01 - 90 d4 77 01 a6 84 f6 01  ..........w.....
0019f5a4  b0 f5 19 00 94 b7 40 00 - 90 f6 19 00 bc f5 19 00  ......@.........
0019f5b4  d0 85 f6 01 90 f6 19 00 - 9c f6 19 00 72 86 f6 01  ............r...
0019f5c4  90 f6 19 00 b8 18 fe 01 - b8 18 fe 01 90 d4 77 01  ..............w.

00470a28     public System.Variants.VarCastError: ; function entry point
00470a28 678   push    ebp
00470a29       mov     ebp, esp
00470a2b       add     esp, -$1c
00470a2e       push    ebx
00470a2f       push    esi
00470a30       xor     ecx, ecx
00470a32       mov     [ebp-$14], ecx
00470a35       mov     [ebp-$18], ecx
00470a38       mov     [ebp-$1c], ecx
00470a3b       mov     esi, edx
00470a3d       mov     ebx, eax
00470a3f       xor     eax, eax
00470a41       push    ebp
00470a42       push    $470ab7               ; System.@HandleFinally
00470a47       push    dword ptr fs:[eax]
00470a4a       mov     fs:[eax], esp
00470a4d 679   lea     edx, [ebp-$14]
00470a50       mov     eax, ebx
00470a52       call    +$9119 ($479b70)      ; System.Variants.VarTypeAsText
00470a57       mov     eax, [ebp-$14]
00470a5a       mov     [ebp-$10], eax
00470a5d       mov     byte ptr [ebp-$c], $11
00470a61       lea     edx, [ebp-$18]
00470a64       mov     eax, esi
00470a66       call    +$9105 ($479b70)      ; System.Variants.VarTypeAsText
00470a6b       mov     eax, [ebp-$18]
00470a6e       mov     [ebp-8], eax
00470a71       mov     byte ptr [ebp-4], $11
00470a75       lea     eax, [ebp-$10]
00470a78       push    eax
00470a79       push    1
00470a7b       lea     edx, [ebp-$1c]
00470a7e       mov     eax, [$20b73b4]
00470a83       call    -$5dc00 ($412e88)     ; System.LoadResString
00470a88       mov     ecx, [ebp-$1c]
00470a8b       mov     dl, 1
00470a8d       mov     eax, [$470044]
00470a92       call    -$c99f ($4640f8)      ; System.SysUtils.Exception.CreateFmt
00470a97     > call    -$6513c ($40b960)     ; System.@RaiseExcept
00470a9c 681   xor     eax, eax
00470a9e       pop     edx
00470a9f       pop     ecx
00470aa0       pop     ecx
00470aa1       mov     fs:[eax], edx
00470aa4       push    $470abe
00470aa9       lea     eax, [ebp-$1c]
00470aac       mov     edx, 3
00470ab1       call    -$646f2 ($40c3c4)     ; System.@UStrArrayClr
00470ab6       ret
00470ab7       jmp     -$65300 ($40b7bc)     ; System.@HandleFinally
00470abc       jmp     loc_470aa9
00470abe       pop     esi
00470abf       pop     ebx
00470ac0       mov     esp, ebp
00470ac2       pop     ebp
00470ac3       ret
exception class    : EVariantTypeCastError
exception message  : Could not convert variant of type (String) into type (Double).

main thread ($30f8):
00470a97 +06f CMW.exe      System.Variants   679   +1 VarCastError
00470ede +01a CMW.exe      System.Variants   748   +3 VarResultCheck
00473be3 +08f CMW.exe      System.Variants  2537   +9 VarToDoubleAsString
00473f09 +1e9 CMW.exe      System.Variants  2612  +30 @VarToDouble
00474118 +008 CMW.exe      System.Variants  2646   +1 @VarToReal
01f68ab1 +205 CMW.exe      frxClass         8933  +22 TfrxCustomMemoView.FormatData
01f685af +51b CMW.exe      frxClass         8900  +85 TfrxCustomMemoView.CalcAndFormat
01f67bdc +5d4 CMW.exe      frxClass         8766  +87 TfrxCustomMemoView.GetData
01782e1c +14c CMW.exe      frxEngine        1830  +33 TfrxEngine.Stretch
0178594b +223 CMW.exe      frxEngine        2796  +58 TfrxEngine.DoShow
01782622 +05a CMW.exe      frxEngine        1638   +8 TfrxEngine.ShowBand
017811de +47a CMW.exe      frxEngine        1226  +84 ShowBandTree
017819d4 +114 CMW.exe      frxEngine        1367  +12 ShowPage
01781cb6 +102 CMW.exe      frxEngine        1418  +27 TfrxEngine.RunPage
0177f219 +0e5 CMW.exe      frxEngine         514  +14 DoPages
0177f276 +026 CMW.exe      frxEngine         523   +3 TfrxEngine.RunReportPages
0177ee9a +1b2 CMW.exe      frxEngine         435  +37 TfrxEngine.Run
01f76baf +1df CMW.exe      frxClass        13381  +45 TfrxReport.PrepareReport

stack dump:
0019f3b4  9c 0a 47 00 de fa ed 0e - 01 00 00 00 07 00 00 00  ..G.............
0019f3c4  c8 f3 19 00 9c 0a 47 00 - 60 fc a5 06 00 01 00 00  ......G.`.......
0019f3d4  05 00 a5 06 b8 18 fe 01 - 14 f4 19 00 e4 f3 19 00  ................
0019f3e4  24 f4 19 00 3c b8 40 00 - 14 f4 19 00 b8 18 fe 01  $...<.@.........
0019f3f4  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0019f404  8c fc a5 06 11 03 46 00 - ec fc a5 06 11 18 fe 01  ......F.........
0019f414  58 f4 19 00 e3 0e 47 00 - f8 e3 4e 08 e8 3b 47 00  X.....G...N..;G.
0019f424  94 f4 19 00 3c b8 40 00 - 58 f4 19 00 f8 e3 4e 08  ....<.@.X.....N.
0019f434  00 00 00 00 85 e2 40 00 - 00 00 00 00 f4 a6 51 00  ......@.......Q.
0019f444  3d ad 40 00 66 a4 40 00 - b8 18 fe 01 b8 87 5d 08  =.@.f.@.......].
0019f454  00 00 00 00 40 f5 19 00 - 0e 3f 47 00 d0 ca 4b 00  ....@....?G...K.
0019f464  01 63 52 00 f7 0a 54 00 - 98 f4 19 00 34 aa 51 00  .cR...T.....4.Q.
0019f474  f8 e3 4e 08 1d 41 47 00 - 00 00 00 00 24 f6 af f7  ..N..AG.....$...
0019f484  e6 09 50 08 90 d4 77 01 - b6 8a f6 01 e4 f4 19 00  ..P...w.........
0019f494  a0 f4 19 00 0c b6 40 00 - 40 f5 19 00 4c f5 19 00  ......@.@...L...
0019f4a4  00 8e f6 01 40 f5 19 00 - b8 18 fe 01 b8 18 fe 01  ....@...........
0019f4b4  90 d4 77 01 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ..w.............
0019f4c4  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0019f4d4  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0019f4e4  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................

00470a28     public System.Variants.VarCastError: ; function entry point
00470a28 678   push    ebp
00470a29       mov     ebp, esp
00470a2b       add     esp, -$1c
00470a2e       push    ebx
00470a2f       push    esi
00470a30       xor     ecx, ecx
00470a32       mov     [ebp-$14], ecx
00470a35       mov     [ebp-$18], ecx
00470a38       mov     [ebp-$1c], ecx
00470a3b       mov     esi, edx
00470a3d       mov     ebx, eax
00470a3f       xor     eax, eax
00470a41       push    ebp
00470a42       push    $470ab7               ; System.@HandleFinally
00470a47       push    dword ptr fs:[eax]
00470a4a       mov     fs:[eax], esp
00470a4d 679   lea     edx, [ebp-$14]
00470a50       mov     eax, ebx
00470a52       call    +$9119 ($479b70)      ; System.Variants.VarTypeAsText
00470a57       mov     eax, [ebp-$14]
00470a5a       mov     [ebp-$10], eax
00470a5d       mov     byte ptr [ebp-$c], $11
00470a61       lea     edx, [ebp-$18]
00470a64       mov     eax, esi
00470a66       call    +$9105 ($479b70)      ; System.Variants.VarTypeAsText
00470a6b       mov     eax, [ebp-$18]
00470a6e       mov     [ebp-8], eax
00470a71       mov     byte ptr [ebp-4], $11
00470a75       lea     eax, [ebp-$10]
00470a78       push    eax
00470a79       push    1
00470a7b       lea     edx, [ebp-$1c]
00470a7e       mov     eax, [$20b73b4]
00470a83       call    -$5dc00 ($412e88)     ; System.LoadResString
00470a88       mov     ecx, [ebp-$1c]
00470a8b       mov     dl, 1
00470a8d       mov     eax, [$470044]
00470a92       call    -$c99f ($4640f8)      ; System.SysUtils.Exception.CreateFmt
00470a97     > call    -$6513c ($40b960)     ; System.@RaiseExcept
00470a9c 681   xor     eax, eax
00470a9e       pop     edx
00470a9f       pop     ecx
00470aa0       pop     ecx
00470aa1       mov     fs:[eax], edx
00470aa4       push    $470abe
00470aa9       lea     eax, [ebp-$1c]
00470aac       mov     edx, 3
00470ab1       call    -$646f2 ($40c3c4)     ; System.@UStrArrayClr
00470ab6       ret
00470ab7       jmp     -$65300 ($40b7bc)     ; System.@HandleFinally
00470abc       jmp     loc_470aa9
00470abe       pop     esi
00470abf       pop     ebx
00470ac0       mov     esp, ebp
00470ac2       pop     ebp
00470ac3       ret

I will get a ton of these from 1 single report... everysingle time it runs.... always showing in my logging from session 0.

And always, if I run it manually in the command line prompt my self using the same data/parameters/ect ... not a peep of an issue.

I think it has something to do with Locale / System.VariantManager / VarUtils.VarR8FromStr from some research maybe?

I've got a number of locations that have this issue and not 100% sure what is up.

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