Toolsbar position in fast report designer not restore properly in non 100% DPI display
In latest 6.4.2 fastreport VCL release, there is a problem when restoring FastReport designer. The toolbars position/visible aren't restore properly for next open if my display's DPI aren't 100%, e.g.: 125% or 150%.
This is due the unit frxDock.pas was constructed:
The frxSaveToolbarPosition store the toolbars properties with normal name but frxRestoreToolbarPosition expect the name was encoded with DPI.
This is due the unit frxDock.pas was constructed:
procedure frxSaveToolbarPosition(Ini: TCustomIniFile; t: TToolBar; FormPPIScale: Single);
  X, Y: integer;
  Name: String;
  Name := rsToolbar + '.' + t.Name;
procedure frxRestoreToolbarPosition(Ini: TCustomIniFile; t: TToolBar; CurrentFormPPI: Integer);
  DN: string;
  NewDock: TControlBar;
  Name: String;
  X, Y, DX, DY: Integer;
  Name := rsToolbar + '.';
  if CurrentFormPPI > frx_DefaultPPI then
    Name := Name + IntToStr(CurrentFormPPI) + '.';
  Name := Name + t.Name;
The frxSaveToolbarPosition store the toolbars properties with normal name but frxRestoreToolbarPosition expect the name was encoded with DPI.
Have you raised a Support Ticket?
I've found a couple of problems with recent update(s) to FastReport (including Toolbar probelms in Preview and an Access Violation Exception in frxRTFexport).
GPI was very helpful in addressing the Tickets I raised.
Cheers, Paul
I didn't raise support ticket for this issue. I prefer to post here so everyone share the issue with solution, hopefully.