Using Trim
If I use the following code:
[Trim(<dbtStaff."VORNAME"> + <dbtStaff."NAME">)]
How do I insert a space between the both db-var's??
Some like this, didn't work:
[Trim(<dbtStaff."VORNAME"> + " " + <dbtStaff."NAME">)]
[Trim(<dbtStaff."VORNAME"> + <dbtStaff."NAME">)]
How do I insert a space between the both db-var's??
Some like this, didn't work:
[Trim(<dbtStaff."VORNAME"> + " " + <dbtStaff."NAME">)]
ie a memo could contain
[Trim(<dbtStaff."VORNAME"> ] [Trim(<dbtStaff."NAME">)]
the number of spaces between the left inner and right inner ] [ will be there
or if cocantenating to a string var declared in code
mystring := [Trim(<dbtStaff."VORNAME"> ]+' '+ [Trim(<dbtStaff."NAME">)]
[Trim(<dbtStaff."VORNAME"> + ' ' + <dbtStaff."NAME">)]