C++ Builder examples

edited November 2004 in FastReport 3.0

I'm using the demo versio of FS 3 in C++ Builder 6 but because the examples are in Delphi I'm struggling to get some things to work. Basically, I need to convert thr following to C++,

procedure TForm1.frxReport1BeforePrint(c: TfrxReportComponent);
Cross: TfrxCrossView;
i, j: Integer;
if c is TfrxCrossView then
Cross := TfrxCrossView?©;
for i := 1 to 16 do
for j := 1 to 16 do
Cross.AddValue(, [j], [StringGrid1.Cells[i - 1, j - 1]]);

Most of it is straight forward but i'm struggling with,

Cross.AddValue(, [j], [StringGrid1.Cells[i - 1, j - 1]]);

Can anybody help please?

Some C++ examples would be very beneficial and might tip the scales to make me buy what looks to be a great tool!

Best wishes,

Andy Walker
iola Limited


  • edited 10:10PM
    Something like this:

    void __fastcall Tshet_faktura::frxReport1BeforePrint(
    TfrxReportComponent *c)
    TfrxCrossView* Cross;

    AnsiString s=c->ClassName();

    if(s == "TfrxCrossView")
    Cross = (TfrxCrossView*)c;
    for (int i = 1 ;i<=16;i++)
    for (int j = 1;j<=16;j++)

    Variant pRows[] = {i};
    Variant pCols[] = {j};
    Variant pStrs[] = {"12345"};
    int nSize = ARRAYSIZE(pStrs);
    Cross->AddValue((const Variant*)pRows,ARRAYSIZE(pRows)-1,
    (const Variant*)pCols,ARRAYSIZE(pCols)-1,
    (const Variant*)pStrs,ARRAYSIZE(pStrs)-1);
  • edited November 2004
    AAh! Thank you.

    Fron that I assume that I would also be able to populate the entire table with one ->AddValue call?

    I'll give that a try!


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