Convert QR to FR
Hi !!
in previous versions of Fastreport i have this code for convert the Quickreport form to Fr format.
procedure TFconfigInformes.sbexportarqrClick(Sender: TObject);
  conv: TConverterQr2FrNew;
  savedialog1: Tsavedialog;
  qreport: TQUICKREP;
  cnombre: string;
    Application.createform( tfqrefectose,fqrefectose )
    conv := TConverterQr2Fr.Create;
    conv.Source := TFQREfectosE;
    conv.Target := FRXMUESTRA;
    savedialog1 := Tsavedialog.Create(self);
    SaveDialog1.InitialDir:= extractfiledir(Application.ExeName);
    SaveDialog1.FileName  :=;
    if SaveDialog1.Execute then
        FRxmuestra.SaveToFile( savedialog1.filename );
In FR6 , the unit ConverterQR2FR does not have the property source/target,, and i dont have the .qrp file...
its possible ???
2. Project -> Add -> Browse and find ConverterQR2FR.pas.
3. Depending on the components you have installed, you might have to remove the following units from the uses list in ConverterQR2FR:
VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Chart, VCLTee.Series, VCLTee.TeCanvas
frxChart, frxBDEComponents, frxIBXComponents
Removing them should be safe, since your report doesn't use TeeChart.
4. Add the following to the form:
5. Put this in the Button OnClick event:
6. Run the program, click the button.
What is this supposed to be opening? QuickReports are hosting within a Delphi form, but when I try to point it to the .pas, or .dfm file it says it's an invalid format.
Also, this isn't compatible with Delphi 7 because of the options used for the conversion and the units that are used.
Use text DFM, not binary DFM