Creating DialogPage Error

I have a problem with loading reports (Fastreports version 3.06) which contain DialogPage.
If a report contains a DialogPage then occures that a program freezes.

If frxIzpis (tfrxReport component) is added on a normal form (tform component) or datamodule (tdatamodule component) there is NO problem with freezing. Component frxIzpis is added on TRODataSnapModule, which is descendant of TDataModule. TRODataSnapModule is a part of RemObjects software components.


//loading fr3 fastreport file

while debugging the codeline above, all stops at this point :
//freezing point
constructor TfrxDialogPage.Create(AOwner: TComponent);

inherited; <
freezing point
FForm := TfrxDialogForm.Create(nil);
FForm.KeyPreview := True;
Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
Font.Size := 8;
BorderStyle := bsSizeable;
Position := poScreenCenter;
WindowState := wsNormal;
Color := clBtnFace;

Any ideas why the program freezes while trying to create a TfrxDialogForm component?


  • edited 7:34AM
    We haven't tested FR with third-party components like RemObjects. We don't recommend to put TfrxReport component on any non-TForm descendants.
  • edited 7:34AM
    Is there any other possibilty connection and query components into report (integrated in fr3.file) without using dialogpage?
    We want report files to be as indenpendent as possible. Ideally we would like to change only connection to the database in runtime.

    Best regards (spasiba)
  • edited 7:34AM
    No, end-user queries/table should be on the dialog page.

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