Creating DialogPage Error
I have a problem with loading reports (Fastreports version 3.06) which contain DialogPage.
If a report contains a DialogPage then occures that a program freezes.
If frxIzpis (tfrxReport component) is added on a normal form (tform component) or datamodule (tdatamodule component) there is NO problem with freezing. Component frxIzpis is added on TRODataSnapModule, which is descendant of TDataModule. TRODataSnapModule is a part of RemObjects software components.
//loading fr3 fastreport file
while debugging the codeline above, all stops at this point :
//freezing point
constructor TfrxDialogPage.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited; <
freezing point
FForm := TfrxDialogForm.Create(nil);
FForm.KeyPreview := True;
Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
Font.Size := 8;
BorderStyle := bsSizeable;
Position := poScreenCenter;
WindowState := wsNormal;
Color := clBtnFace;
Any ideas why the program freezes while trying to create a TfrxDialogForm component?
We want report files to be as indenpendent as possible. Ideally we would like to change only connection to the database in runtime.
Best regards (spasiba)