RAD Stidio 10 ODAC Export XMLTYPE Russian characters
I'm having several problems here that's been keeping me angry for a few days already. I've tried different solutions but none work for me. I'm using RAD Studio 10, ODAC 9.7 and FastReport 5.4.8, Oracle version
1. Saving the *.fr3 into Oracle blob or clob through ODAC has a strange behaviour with russian symbols and chars like ' and " in tye dataset node of the FastReport xml. When I save my report into a TMemoryStream or a TStringStream it saves the data in some unknown charset, but the xml encoding says it's utf-8. Indeed TEncoding. UTF8 decodes the russian characters. Still the data goes incorrectly into the Oracle's DB field, either blob or clob. But upon importing the data back it comes okay from blob, but broken russian chars from clob. I use TfrxReport.SaveToStream and LoadFromStream methods. The ODAC's ftOraBlob and ftOraClob field types in OraProcedure.Param.LoadFromStream and SaveToStream.
2. As the report is held incorrectly in the database I can't work with XMLTYPE, since every charset I try breaks the russian characters and the sql text in the datasets within the FastReport xml file. The Select "CreateName" from Names where CreateName like '%%' changes in " to " and ' to ' and also the #13 break and become some strange symbols.
Does anyone have a FastReport to and from Oracle example with russian, datasets and dialog forms?
1. Saving the *.fr3 into Oracle blob or clob through ODAC has a strange behaviour with russian symbols and chars like ' and " in tye dataset node of the FastReport xml. When I save my report into a TMemoryStream or a TStringStream it saves the data in some unknown charset, but the xml encoding says it's utf-8. Indeed TEncoding. UTF8 decodes the russian characters. Still the data goes incorrectly into the Oracle's DB field, either blob or clob. But upon importing the data back it comes okay from blob, but broken russian chars from clob. I use TfrxReport.SaveToStream and LoadFromStream methods. The ODAC's ftOraBlob and ftOraClob field types in OraProcedure.Param.LoadFromStream and SaveToStream.
2. As the report is held incorrectly in the database I can't work with XMLTYPE, since every charset I try breaks the russian characters and the sql text in the datasets within the FastReport xml file. The Select "CreateName" from Names where CreateName like '%%' changes in " to " and ' to ' and also the #13 break and become some strange symbols.
Does anyone have a FastReport to and from Oracle example with russian, datasets and dialog forms?
But have tried breaking your problem down into smaller / more constrained parts?
When we had a problem with inconsistent handling of currency symbols a while back, we found the problem was in one place with Charset set to (if I remember correctly) ANSI. If you search these forums for "rupee" you'll find that discussion.
Creating a number of models, and isolating the variables, always works for me.
Cheers, Paul