more doubts about DBCrossTab

edited November 2004 in FastReport 3.0

- How can I set the width of the row header?
The text is long and I want limit your size, word wrapping if necessary.
In the OnCalcWidth event I can't define the row header width (first column of the Crosstab).
- How to set de column total format?
If I set the row "Total" a error occur, when I set the column "0,00", the Total is not formatted.



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:02PM
    go to page 85 of the usermanual.pdf file.
  • edited November 2004
    I read many times the manual and nothing there answer my questions.

    1) There is no answer to define the row header width (i try several alternatives, but no one work properly), the OnCalcWidth apply only to columns not to row header (first column of the dbcrosstab object, e.g. Employee Name).

    2) In the manual is described a way to format the Grand Total values, but if I format in then cross tab editor, on the report preview an error occur, fastreport try to format the title "Total" with the numeric mask, intead of format the values.
    This error occur when I execute do program on the Delphi IDE.

    The fast-report version is 3.06 trial and I??m using the DbCrossTab object.

  • edited 10:02PM
    i have the same problem with the first column width (row header), i cannot set the width.

    i have dbcrosstab report with 5 columns (1 row header + 4 cols) plus grand total, the first column (text) can have 250 chars, but i want to set the width to 450 pixels.

    OnCalcWidth i can set all the columns width, except the first column (row header), how can i do this??


    J Koeller.

  • edited 10:02PM
    Change the frxCrossMatrix.pas file:
    procedure TfrxCrossMatrix.CalcBounds;
      ColumnItems := FColumnHeader.TerminalItems;
      RowItems := FRowHeader.TerminalItems;
      { calculate the widths of columns and the heights of rows }
      FColumnHeader.CalcSizes(FMaxWidth, FMinWidth);
      FRowHeader.CalcSizes(FMaxWidth, FMinWidth);

    Now you can set the MaxWidth/MinWidth properties to limit the width of the row header.
  • edited 10:02PM
    I can't do this because I'm using the FR3 trial, but I'm happy because now I know that this is possible.


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