MatrixObject add new cell

HI,i want a new cell to Matrix Report,But it's Error!

please help me ?
MatrixObject mo =(MatrixObject)"Matrix1");
MatrixCells mcs = mo.Data.Cells;

MatrixPercent mp=new MatrixPercent();
MatrixAggregateFunction mf = new MatrixAggregateFunction();

MatrixCellDescriptor mcd = new MatrixCellDescriptor("[t_FProducts_InDetails1.cDescript]" ,mf,mp);

mcs.Add(mcd );; // this line Error;


  • edited 10:46PM
                // report object
                FastReport.Report report = new FastReport.Report();
                report.RegisterData(matrixDemo, "MatrixDemo", maxNestingLevel: 1);
                // add report page
                FastReport.ReportPage page = new FastReport.ReportPage();
                // set page margin
                page.LeftMargin = 10;
                page.RightMargin = 10;
                page.TopMargin = 10;
                page.BottomMargin = 10;
                page.UnlimitedWidth = true;
                // create data band
                FastReport.DataBand dataBand = new FastReport.DataBand();
                dataBand.Height = FastReport.Utils.Units.Centimeters * 2.3f;
                FastReport.Matrix.MatrixObject matrix = new FastReport.Matrix.MatrixObject();
                matrix.Parent = dataBand;
                matrix.Bounds = new RectangleF(FastReport.Utils.Units.Centimeters * 0.1f, FastReport.Utils.Units.Centimeters * 0.1f, FastReport.Utils.Units.Centimeters * 8f, FastReport.Utils.Units.Centimeters * 2f);
                matrix.CellsSideBySide = true;
                matrix.DataSource = report.GetDataSource("MatrixDemo");
                matrix.Style = "blue";
                // create one column descriptor
                FastReport.Matrix.MatrixHeaderDescriptor column = new FastReport.Matrix.MatrixHeaderDescriptor("[MatrixDemo.Year]");
                // create one row descriptor
                FastReport.Matrix.MatrixHeaderDescriptor row = new FastReport.Matrix.MatrixHeaderDescriptor("[MatrixDemo.Name]");
                // create three data cells
                FastReport.Matrix.MatrixCellDescriptor cell1 = new FastReport.Matrix.MatrixCellDescriptor("[MatrixDemo.ItemsSold]", FastReport.Matrix.MatrixAggregateFunction.Sum);
                FastReport.Matrix.MatrixCellDescriptor cell2 = new FastReport.Matrix.MatrixCellDescriptor("[MatrixDemo.Revenue]", FastReport.Matrix.MatrixAggregateFunction.Sum);
                FastReport.Matrix.MatrixCellDescriptor cell3 = new FastReport.Matrix.MatrixCellDescriptor("0", FastReport.Matrix.MatrixAggregateFunction.Sum);
                // build matrix template
                // important!!! formatting is available after 'BuildTemplate'
                FastReport.Format.NumberFormat numberFormat = new FastReport.Format.NumberFormat();
                numberFormat.UseLocale = false;
                numberFormat.GroupSeparator = ",";
                numberFormat.DecimalSeparator = ".";
                numberFormat.DecimalDigits = 2;
                numberFormat.NegativePattern = 1;
                for (int i = 2; i < 4; i++)
                    for (int j = 1; j < 7; j++)
                        matrix.Rows[i][j].Format = numberFormat;
                // change header text
                FastReport.Table.TableCell tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[0][0];
                tableCell.Text = "Employee";
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[1][1];
                tableCell.Text = "Qty";
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[1][2];
                tableCell.Text = "Amount";
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[1][3];
                tableCell.Text = "Amount / Qty";
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[1][4];
                tableCell.Text = "Σ Qty";
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[1][5];
                tableCell.Text = "Σ Amount";
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[1][6];
                tableCell.Text = "Σ (Amount / Qty)";
                // autosize column
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    matrix.Columns[i].AutoSize = true;
                // assign an event on table cell
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[2][3];
                tableCell.BeforePrintEvent = "Cell18_BeforePrint";
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[2][6];
                tableCell.BeforePrintEvent = "Cell21_BeforePrint";
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[3][3];
                tableCell.BeforePrintEvent = "Cell25_BeforePrint";
                tableCell = (FastReport.Table.TableCell)matrix.Rows[3][6];
                tableCell.BeforePrintEvent = "Cell28_BeforePrint";
                report.ScriptText = @"using System;
    using FastReport;
    namespace FastReport
        public class ReportScript
            private void Cell18_BeforePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (Cell16.Value != null && Cell17.Value != null)
                    double sumQty = (double)((int)Cell16.Value);
                    double sumAmount = (double)((decimal)Cell17.Value);
                    double sumAverage = sumAmount / sumQty;
                    Cell18.Text = sumAverage.ToString(""#,##0.00"");
            private void Cell21_BeforePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (Cell19.Value != null && Cell20.Value != null)
                    double sumQty = (double)((int)Cell19.Value);
                    double sumAmount = (double)((decimal)Cell20.Value);
                    double sumAverage = sumAmount / sumQty;
                    Cell21.Text = sumAverage.ToString(""#,##0.00"");
            private void Cell25_BeforePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
              if (Cell23.Value != null && Cell24.Value != null)
                double sumQty = (double)((int)Cell23.Value);
                double sumAmount = (double)((decimal)Cell24.Value);
                double sumAverage = sumAmount / sumQty;
                Cell25.Text = sumAverage.ToString(""#,##0.00"");
            private void Cell28_BeforePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (Cell26.Value != null && Cell27.Value != null)
                    double sumQty = (double)((int)Cell26.Value);
                    double sumAmount = (double)((decimal)Cell27.Value);
                    double sumAverage = sumAmount / sumQty;
                    Cell28.Text = sumAverage.ToString(""#,##0.00"");
                // run report designer

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