AddMethod and Lenth of Parameter 'Syntax'

Is there any limit to the string-length of the parameter ???Syntax??? by the ???function AddMethod????
I have problems with FR 3.06 and Delphi 7:
with fsGlobalUnit do begin
AddedBy:= self;
AddMethod(???function anyone ??¦.???, CallMethod);
If the length of syntax is longer then 80 chars, the program cuts the syntax somewhere and didn???t work properly. If the length is less then 80 chars it works ok.
Is there any limit to the string-length of the parameter ???Syntax??? by the ???function AddMethod????
I have problems with FR 3.06 and Delphi 7:
with fsGlobalUnit do begin
AddedBy:= self;
AddMethod(???function anyone ??¦.???, CallMethod);
If the length of syntax is longer then 80 chars, the program cuts the syntax somewhere and didn???t work properly. If the length is less then 80 chars it works ok.