Installation of FastReport Ver 6 - fs_tree duplicate

edited July 2018 in FastReport VCL
I have been using FastReport version 4.15 (with Delphi XE) for about 2 years now, and have recently purchased/upgraded to Version 6. I have now installed it, however whenever I start Delphi, I get the error
"Can't load package 'fs15.' It contains unit 'fs_tree' which is also contained in 'fs14.'

I have checked and both of these files are part of the Fast Report Version 6 install. I have updated the library paths, and also deleted the original path for the older version of Fast Report 4.15, but I still get multiple instances (14) of this error on startup.

What do I do?

PS I have also tried to uninstall FastReport version 4 off my computer, however it does not appear under "Program and Features". It's definitely installed though, as I have been using it for close on to 2 years! The folder etc. is also on my computer. There is an uninstall.exe file, however when I run that, it says it's going to install (not UNinstall), and asks for the license key (which I no longer have, and my former work colleague who is no longer here was probably the only person to have it!)

Update: Resolved!

FS15 files are the ones I want, as FS14 are for Delphi 2010 (I'm using XE).

Whereas FastReport Version 6 is very good at handling it's install etc. It appears that Version 4 is very messy, and just got in the way, so to speak. I was having all sorts of problems with missing FastReport .pas components etc. in Version 6. The final solution was to completely delete Version 4 from my system, remove any/all mention of packages (IE all FastReport (versions 4 and 6) and FastScript components) in Delphi and then do a fresh full recompile and installation of FastReport 6. Once installed, back in Delphi, I ticked the boxes under installed packages for all (I had 8) FastReport6 packages, as well as all (I think 4) FastScript components too. Also made sure the paths were included under library options, but that appeared to be there already. Finally have reports working again!

What a (4 hour) ordeal. Hopefully the information provided here helps somebody else avoid all that wasted time.


  • gpigpi
    edited 10:35AM
    Uninstall all instances of FR, remove all FR's files and folders (see system and hidden folders too) and then install FR6 again

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