Cannot save report change
FR won't save my report change when I load it in the designer.
I get message "Cannot create file e:\project\Report\. the specified path is not found"
I don't understand that FR lost the filename I passed in the LoadFromFile
I have more than twenty report with the same code for saving and only have problem with that report
Code for loading
Code for saving:
The debugger shows me that the variable FileName is empty in the SaveToFile function of frxClass.pas
Thanks for helping me
FR won't save my report change when I load it in the designer.
I get message "Cannot create file e:\project\Report\. the specified path is not found"
I don't understand that FR lost the filename I passed in the LoadFromFile
I have more than twenty report with the same code for saving and only have problem with that report
Code for loading
File_name:='cotisation.fr3';Â Â //(file_name : public variable)
frxReport1.LoadFromFile(PathName+'Report\'+file_name );
Code for saving:
function TDMReport.frxDesigner1SaveReport(Report: TfrxReport;
  SaveAs: Boolean): Boolean;
if Report.Modified Then
If MessageDlg('Confirmez-vous les modifications ?',mtConfirmation, [mbYes,MbNo], 0) = mrYes then
The debugger shows me that the variable FileName is empty in the SaveToFile function of frxClass.pas
procedure TfrxReport.SaveToFile(const FileName: String);
Thanks for helping me
Cheers, Paul
Sorry I had to explain that but I don't know exactly from where it comes
I am using FR from delphi 7 the problem occured from the datamodule itself where I used the designer component the problem disappeared where I moved the designer component to a form.