Sending email with specified export type and EmailExport.ShowDialog()
Tasos Savva
I have the following code
I've noticed after several tries that setting
Does anyone knows how can I keep the settings that I pass to pdf as the default and let the user change them if needed?
Config.ReportSettings.ShowProgress = false;
FastReport.Export.Pdf.PDFExport pdf = new FastReport.Export.Pdf.PDFExport();
FastReport.Export.Email.EmailExport email = new FastReport.Export.Email.EmailExport();
email.Account.AllowUI = true;
email.Account.Name = "CompanyName";
pdf.AllowModify = false;
pdf.Compressed = true;
pdf.EmbeddingFonts = false;
pdf.Background = false;
pdf.GradientQuality = FastReport.Export.Pdf.PDFExport.GradientQualityEnum.Low;
pdf.JpegCompression = true;
pdf.JpegQuality = 80;
pdf.PrintOptimized = false;
pdf.Name = "pdf";
email.Export = pdf;
if (email.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
I've noticed after several tries that setting
email.Export = pdf
does not have any effect after calling
Does anyone knows how can I keep the settings that I pass to pdf as the default and let the user change them if needed?
Hello, this will do the same thing, you have just rewrite the code using using.
I need to set pdf properties before calling email.ShowDialog() and use those settings.
then you have two options:
1.upgrade to the latest version
2.create your own code, export pdf to stream, email with System.Net.Mail library
I have the latest version. Anyway, the solution came from Anatoly Kukuyuk.
The solution is to show the PDF export settings window: