multi sub reports

edited 1:46AM in FastReport VCL 5
I have a report with following items,

header with details (list of parts) has dataset
sub reports to list who used each part , has dataset
sub report to list price. cost for each item, has dataset

Finally all totals, I guess report summary

How I do that


  • edited 1:46AM
    As your question suggests, you can do this by adding multiple sub-reports. I have attached a screenshot of a form that I created using four sub-reports (two are duplicates of the other two). This form prints side-by-side copies of a packing slip which can be cut in half for my companies purposes. Each sub-report is represented by a different page/tab in the report. Each sub-report is then designed separately as an independent report. There are limits to what bands can be placed on a sub-report, and how the main body of the report can be designed around the sub-reports, but nothing that cannot be overcome in most cases.

    I have just recently started using sub-reports in my work, so I am not that proficient as yet, but they are pretty easy to use, with just a few quirks which you can see if you check my post a few lines down in the list. Above all, read the documentation.

    Jeff Eib

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