Print and Preview diffrent after Batch

I try to make a Batch report with fastreport version 5.5.11. Using Delphi Berlin.
That???s basically my code:
  Filename : string;
  pdf : String;
  frm : TfrmReportPreview;
  Filename :=  'Name des Reports;
  pdf      := '.pdf';
  frm := TfrmReportPreview.Create(self);

      frm.LoadFromFile(TwiPathUtils.ReportPath + ???Report1.fr3');
      AReportfrx.LoadFromFile(TwiPathUtils.ReportPath + ???Report2.fr3');
      AReportfrx.GetSaveFilename(Filename,pdf, pdf)

With the Showmodal I get what I want in the Preview but with the ShowReport it is just printing the second part of the file. Also the result has the name just of the second file. And if I use the Create PDF Option as a Printer, it makes a PDF just of the second page.


  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 4:54AM
    Excuse what may be a dumb question, but...

    You've omitted the parameter in both calls to PrepareBatchReport. I don't have FastReport or the manual available at the moment, but I think you need to specify "False" in the second (and subsequent) calls...

    Cheers, Paul
  • edited 4:54AM
    I saw something like that here:
    procedure TForm8.CreateReport;
      frxReport1.LoadFromFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + '1.fr3');
      frxReport1.LoadFromFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + '2.fr3');

    But in Verison 5 there is no prepareReport and the prepareBatchReport don't have a parameter.
  • gpigpi
    edited 4:54AM
    But in Verison 5 there is no prepareReport and the prepareBatchReport don't have a parameter.
    FR 5 have TfrxReport.PrepareReport(ClearLastReport: Boolean = True): Boolean;

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